:: Paper Template

Guide to writing articles

 Please pay attention to the following points before registering and sending each article:
1- First, download the article writing guide listed below and save it on your system.
2- Then copy the text of your article and paste it in the location file. (Your article must be submitted according to the instructions below)
3- It is necessary to save the main file of your article as a word or pdf file on one of the drives of your computer system.


Article Abstract Instructions Article Instructions Poster Presentations Template

Basic information about submitting a new article

After registering on the site and preparing the article according to the above instructions, send your article from the following path:
1- First, enter your user control panel.
2- From the article submission menu, register the basic information of your article. (Note that in the article submission form you can only submit your article abstract!)
3- To send the original of your article, after completing the article submission form and registering it, go to the article status menu and send the original of your article from there. (If you do not send the relevant files, your article will not be sent for reviewing.)
4- Participation in this conference includes a fee. Please pay the related fees first. (Failure to pay the fee means canceling participation in the conference.)


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Call for Abstracts

Required Files